Learnings from the Learned #1
This series is dedicated to all those amazing achievers who never seize to inspire us! Here's starting with the lovely Alicia Souza. Do i need to introduce her? I hear most of you shout NO. So, skip this part and jump straight to the interview you guys, because i will introduce her for the benefit of others who are still not in love with her awesome illustrations
In the beginning it was, again, challenging to fit it in a
schedule and to take time off to put up a drawing but now it's a habit. Like
brushing my teeth. I don't think much about it and it's part of my day. Also it
helps that everyone on my page is super lovely and supportive! Makes it less of
a chore and more of a joy!
I feel like I'm still learning! Adapt! that's my biggest
learning. Learning to be flexible when things don't go according to plan
because goodness me, they don't! But it's also so much fun because of it.
In the beginning I used to not take time off and then I started
getting family and friend obligations. in the beginning it used to be off on
Sundays and I used to keep thinking about how much I could've done but then I
realised how much MORE I do when I get back. Weekends are like mini-vacations
away from my desk. Also, yes, I have a cut off time of 'Charlie whining for
playing company'. He's like an alarm clock. And yes, it also helps because you
get content to feed your drawings.
Charles-Brown Whimperbug Souza: I always loved the name
'Charlie' and was reading Peanuts when I got him. He responded first to the
name, so it stuck. And 'Whimperbug' because he was such a whimperer when he was
a puppy.
This series is dedicated to all those amazing achievers who never seize to inspire us! Here's starting with the lovely Alicia Souza. Do i need to introduce her? I hear most of you shout NO. So, skip this part and jump straight to the interview you guys, because i will introduce her for the benefit of others who are still not in love with her awesome illustrations
Alicia Souza is a young illustrator based out of Bangalore. She started off working for Chumbak (a Bangalore based startup selling Indian souvenirs and knick knacks) and then went on to become a freelancer. She now also runs her own e-commerce store. TED Talks, Corporate Workshops and so much more. Alicia Souza is a bunch of joy who speaks through her drawings. Can you believe her Twitter profile says, "I draw"? Such infectious passion i tell you.
1. You draw & always draw! so much!
Considering freelancing is so self-driven, how do you manage to stick to it and
not get bored?
In the beginning it was hard and a lot of conscious effort was
put into sitting at my desk, especially when I'm generally a very fidgety
person. Over time, I learnt to mix in a schedule that suits me and my
hyperness. I also tend to work in accordance with my moods. So if I don't feel
like drawing, I just don't and when I do, I make up for the times that I don't!
2. How do you manage your social profile? I
mean your strategy to manage your social channels is so amazing! Your responses
are quick and your content is constantly flowing. How do you manage this
despite your busy schedule?
3. e-commerce is so challenging today and you
are now a part of that world! What is your biggest learning as an e-entrepreneur?
4. Do you have a cut off time in a day when you
just stop working no matter what!? Does taking off time from work help spur
your creativity?
5. Do you have any plans of using your skills
to raise social awareness?
Yes, I'm already working with a dog behaviourist and pet store
to print these one-page-booklets on little pet information. All the proceeds
from buying them go straight to an animal shelter. It's something I've always
wanted to do, so I'm glad:)
6. How do you come up with such entertaining names for your
Lola-bear Schnitzel Souza: Well, I initially wanted to call her
'Polar Bear' because she looked like a little white bear cub when I got her,
but got refusals from everyone about the name, so it turned to 'lola-Bear'.
'Schnitzel' was because my friend who picked her up at the time had just gone
to Prague and was obsessed with them.
They grew into their names.
Thank you Alicia Souza for doing this :)
Hope you all enjoyed reading this! You may now like, share, comment or just smile
Have a great day!
P.S - All images belong to Alicia Souza, permissions taken!
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